Thursday, 19 November 2015

Trick to being Happy!

What are your character strengths?
Take the VIA quiz here

What would you like to become stronger at?
How important do you think gratitude is?
Let's watch this video and find out!

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few

Here's the good news: You alredy know inversion well and you use it quite often when you speak!
You say: Can a parent forget his child?

In the same way, the verb takes the form of a question when the sentence starts with a negative verb.

There are different occasions you use Inversion with.

You can learn and practice here

Monday, 9 November 2015

Caretta2 Global Project

Our voice is strong!

Let's raise global awareness to Caretta-Caretta endangered species!

Monday, 26 October 2015

If I were you, I'd... what would you do if... you saw an alien?

Now, you may want to improve your Conitional skills!
To do that, visit this page.
There are the rules for you, visual learners
and practice for everyone!
Do activities 1-8 BEFORE only if you want to be successful at your B2 exams!

If I were you, I'd love to be a MILLIONAIRE!

Kleanthis is taking us singing today...

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The Derby Mongols take part in!

What's the Mongol Derby? Let's learn here!

What would you like to ask a participant if you couls ask them a question?

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Mummies who....

Sentence Magic!
Connect the two sentences:
Ancient Egyptians made their dead into mummies. 
They lived in the Nile area.

Study the Mummies Relative Clauses here and do all the activities with 2or more yellow circles next to them.

Monday, 12 October 2015

The most famous hotel in history!

Which do you think is the song one of the astronauts in ISS sings every day?
Well, let's sing it with him in Lyrics Training!

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Character strengths!

Beloved, amazing B2 class,
Here's the site where you can find the quiz we talked about the previous time

Take the survey and print the results.
More wonderful things to come soon!

Monday, 5 October 2015

Could you tell me what the ISS is?

So what is life like in the ISs?
Let's find out in NASA's website!

Study the rules for Indirect questions here
and do the activities that follow.

Study the rules for the use of "the" here
and do activities: The article(2) /1st activity (up to number 11)
                            The article(3)/ 1st activity

George has contributed another song,
Let's play with it in LyricsTraining
ans sing it 

Thursday, 1 October 2015

I love perfecting my English!

I can't stop looking for new exciting ideas for our class!
So, here's our flipped class for today...
What do you know about Halloween?
How about atching this video to learn more
and brush up on your infnitive-gerund knowledge.

You can also study the tutorial here,
paying special attention to Part 2 and 3.
Practice with a choic of activities:
One out of 11-13
One of 14 or 15
One out of 17-10
PART 3 (Remember to pay special attention to this part's theory!)
Activities 22, 26

Your first choices have arrived!
Here's George's song for today

Find the lyrics here
and play around at home ...

Monday, 28 September 2015

Rule no 3

Now, A song to practise the future tense
Here is a song by the Black Eyed Peas to practise the future tense and your pronunciation.
First, listen to the song and pay attention to the lyrics

Activity 1: Now go to the lyricstraining website to fill in the blanks in the song lyrics:
Activity 2: Finally, go to the Black Eyed Peas official website. Find the latest news about them and write about them in a comment to this post. You can also include your opinion about this band, your favourite songs, etc.

1. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
2. What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?
6. Billie was born on December 28th, yet her birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?

Practice here, here here and here

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Rule no 2!

Visual QR Code qrcode design

Our flipped class has taken off!
Practice how responsible you are for your learning here

Today we're going to review how to talk about the future.
Fist, study these tutorials

Future Continous/ Future Perfect in this video

Now, you can practise doing activities
1. mixed future tenses (beginner)
2. mixed future tenses (advanced)

Monday, 21 September 2015

Me, Myself and I

In  the previous class we discussed that YOU are in the epicentre this year! So let's talk about... you!
 What do you want the team to know about you?
What are your hobbies, favourite bands, songs, holiday places, cartoon heroes, or anything else you want to share.
YOU chose how to present yourself in a FUN way! Here are a few ideas and of course you are free to use any other way you want!
  1. Create a Pinterest board with 10 pins that summarize them.
  2. Create a 30 second podcast that introduces themselves. Then you can present them or play them on separate devices in class as an audio gallery.
  3. Write a blog post in the classroom blog  introducing yourself to the rest of the classroom.
  4. Create a quick comic strip to describe yourself or to recreate a recent funny moment in your life.
  5. Create a word cloud to describe yourself and share with the rest of the class.
  6. Create your own Voki avatar that introduces yourself to the class. It's going to be even funnier when you are creative with the backgrounds, characters and details of the avatar to reflect your own personality and preferences.
  7. Create a graffiti online  that speaks to your interests and personality and share with the class.
  8. Create mashup videos of yourself with Weavly to introduce their interests to the class.
  9. Create a Google map of 5 places you have visited and share with the class
  10. Research your birth date in history and share interesting events with the class.

Flipped Classroom!

Hi everyone.
What does this mean?
Well, it means a lot of different things:
-We'll be covering our individual needs. Here's an online test to find out what your 
own learning channels are!
-We'll be learning in each one's own pace.
-We will be responsible for our own learning, progress and success!
-We will get to recognise and develop our character strengths so as to become happier more successful people 
The teachers will be our facilitators, there to encourage and guide each and everyone of us to reach our full potential!

This year we are going to FLIP OUR CLASSROOM!
What does it mean?
It means that instead of the teacher lecturing you with things you may already know, we'll be using this blog to studyAT HOME BEFORE we come in class.
We'll also be doing some initial exercises at home to check our understanding.
In this way our class time can be used much more effectively to PRACTICE what we've learnt
in a fun way, instead of old, boring repetition of teacher staff!!!

So here comes our first aim: REVISION of PRESENT TENSES!
Watch these tutorials and THEN do the activities in the handouts given to you in class.
Note down anything that is a challenge to you so that we can discuss it in class.

Now, you are ready to go on with the hanout you were given in class.
Practise online here 

We want to have fun while learning, so we are also going to listen to the songs you chose.
If you want your songs to be heard, write a list of your favourite ones as a conment to this post.

Here's the first one of a band I like a lot. Let's sing it together!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

What are your personal strategies for language learning?
Here comes the specialist! Let's find out how he does it!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Vocabulary on Health and Fitness

Take a look at this site where you can find hundreds of words on a host of subjects! Wanna use some? Be my guest!

Monday, 2 March 2015

The fringe benefits of ....failure!-

As you'll be watching this video think about and answer
-What was J.K.Rowlings greatest fear as a student?
-What was the most important measure of success for her at that time?
-What kind of failure did she experience?
-What was the benefit of failure for her (list 5 at least)
-What does Rowling say is the only way to experience no failure in life?
- Why is imagination so important, according to her?
-Why don't we need magic to change the world?
-What are the words of Seneca she shares in the end?

Sunday, 1 March 2015

We Mystery-Skype with...?

It was fun, the most smooth and informative connection we've done do far! We are going to connect in Fb too!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Sleep to remember, remember to sleep!

It’s 4am, and the big test is in 8 hours. You’ve been studying for days, but you still don’t feel ready. Should you drink another cup of coffee and spend the next few hours cramming? Or should you go to sleep?
Let's watch the follwing video to find out!

Now let's answer the questions here:

After reading the article and research here

...let's discuss the following:

-Based on what you have learned, do you think it is possible to learn new material, such as new language, while you are asleep?
-If a person has heightened anxiety, do you think it means that they have a greater ability to form memories?
-How do you think drugs that help a person fall asleep may affect memory abilities?

Tuesday, 13 January 2015