Monday 15 October 2012

City vs Country Life

Are you a city fan or would you rather enjoy quiet country life?
Take this quiz to find out!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
Write your comment in 100-120 words

Lots to do today but there's always time for a song! Let's sing out loud together!!


Winners Education said...

people who live at big cities they think that is better than country side and peoples who live at counry side believe than is better than the city.
people at counry side have less stess but they haven't shopping stores

Unknown said...

The advantages for city is that they have more comforts than the country side.They have also the means of transports and they can go anywhere fast.They have also many sweets which are very delicious.But the disadvantages are that the air is horrible.They breathe the gass and there aren't many trees.And they don't take many money from the work because there are a lot of people in city.
In country side the good things are that they breathe fresh air,they take many money,the food is very healthy and they have a lot of trees.The disantvantages are that they don't have many professions,they don't have bus or taxes to go to another village and they don't have many comforts.

Unknown said...

Each choice has many advantages and disavantages.I will prefer city because you have every comfort,like TY,video games,electricity and more.Therefore at cities public services make life a lot easier.Some of these services are public transaport,media etc.The best thing about cities is that you have a standard salary.In countrysides the farmer can lose his crops at any time.Not to mention that in cities we have sewers, have you seen the toilets in countrysides?

Winners Education said...

Your last argument is unbeatable! I love your sense of humour, Tom!!! :-)
Mrs Kyrikakis